Planetside 2 Best Engineer Suit Slot

Backstory See Lore for more backstory. Though the Engineer has always had a vital role in defending Auraxis facilities, the introduction of nanites to the military sector caused a radical shift from their traditional role of vehicle and MAX suit mechanics. When factory-built tanks and vehicles were replaced by relatively disposable nano-fabricated versions, Engineers began training.

PlanetSide 2 TR Infiltrator Guide by Shaggit

Buckle down soldier! We got a lot of **** to cover today! So you want to sit on your **** far from the respective engagements of this war and blow some heads off like Gallagher would a watermelon?! Well you CAN’T, or better yet SHOULDN’T! This here thread should help you make some informed decisions. Decisions that will bring in the certs without necessarily showcasing the best Kill/Death ratio. Let’s get started:

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Who in Sam Hill am I and just who in the hell is Sam Hill anyway?

My name is Shaggit. I am based on the Waterson Server and currently run with the Angry Joe Army. Friend me if you want. I am hardly a pro but am a lifetime gamer who will be sticking around and could always use more friends.

Why that dang Infiltrator class and not something else?

This is really due to perceived class shortages in the Angry Army squad/platoon. In all games I have always preferred the rarest or least represented of classes to specialize in. I like being useful and thusly kind of fell into the role. So while I do quite enjoy the jetpacking of the Light Assault or the versatility of the Heavy, my runnings in the game invariably come back to the mumbled question of, “We need someone to hack this terminal. Shaggit, can you?” LOL

Loadouts R Us and You. So just what the hell is my setup currently at? I have blown some certs over the days experimenting, buying into more things than I can use. I did this knowing the Devs will allow for recertification sometime in the future so it isn’t all in vain. And if they don’t allow for recerts (screw em), I’ll just live with it. On a given night I get anywhere from 100 to 200 certs. I do this by completing the objectives FIRST and killing LATER.

My primary loadout is as follows:

Primary – SR-7 with 12x Optics
Secondary – TX2 with silencer (for this particular loadout silencer is hardly needed but since I have it, I took it) You can also go with the starter. This loadout should rarely see any enemies closer than 500m to your position anyway… Well more on that later!

As expected, this is the attacking a base/enemy position en route to a base. You simply pick your targets carefully and in a particular order (enemy infiltrators, medics, engineers, all the rest). Your goal here is to snipe but not in the way it’s become known in other games. Be useful and go to the right or left of where your main squad/platoon is holed up. Your job is to spot, grease the wheels of their advancement and get closer yourself.

While defending, pick high ground, hoping they aren’t coming from behind you or in flank and have at those that approach. Usually defending entails dealing with enemy vehicles and aircraft so it might not be as ideal to be sniper as infantry are far off and MOVING themselves. Don’t waste your precious ammo unless you are a God, in which case, why are you reading this piece of ****?

My primary skill allotment is and will be as follows:

Universal: Utility Slot – I took Restoration. Don’t really care either way which you choose.

Infiltrator: Passive Systems (Advanced Equipment Terminal Hacking) – This is a must have! Must cert! Not necessarily helpful until you actually GET to the base you are attacking/approaching but this skill is invaluable to your squad and where some of your exp will be derived!

Infiltrator: Tool Slot (Recon Detect Device) – Again not the most useful for this particular loadout and purpose. I have heard mixed reviews about this. I use it only when bored (I shoot my friends in the face) or when defending objectives but only when I remember it.

Infiltrator: Ability Slot (Hunter Cloaking Device) – Your bread and butter and perhaps the reason you became an Infiltrator. Fast regen of our 12 second ability is probably better than the damage reduction while within cloak. At this loadout, long range and first infiltration, you will want this up and to use it often.

Infiltrator: Suit Slot (Ammunition Belt) – Wha, wha wha?!?!? Hear me out… When doing your primary loadout, you will want as much ammunition as possible. Odds are, you will be far from your squad/platoon (while still assisting their push in) and you need bullets to stay useful. Enough said.

Infiltrator: Grenade Slot (Decoy Grenades) – There is nothing more awesome than sensing/seeing an enemy on your flank approach, tossing this bad boy out and then going invis and moving. Switch to secondary and wait to knife, pop him in the back of the head. Frag grenades in this loadout is fine as well for one of the most important things we can do as a long range sniper is our initial infiltration (which will alternatively mean switching to our Secondary Loadout which I will explain below).

Infiltrator: Utility Slot (Claymores) – Yes. Just yes. Put it around your area of sniping to stave off getting flanked while zoomed in and doing your job of spotting, killing and pushing inward/outward/whathaveyou.

Now onto the next phase of the wonderments of this class. Actual Infiltration!

So I have found that when ground based in traveling around the map I choose the Primary Loadout. You push into the base via a sundy/armor column/flash/etc, cloak and head STRAIGHT for the Vehicle Pad. This is perhaps the most vulnerable we are ever going to be. Reasons for this is simple. You don’t want enemy vehicles to be spawning, especially enemy sundy’s. I do this also when Galaxy Dropped but if we are doing drops I usually start in the Secondary Loadout I will now break into. There are some changes to the skills so I will only list those as the rest stays the same.

My secondary loadout is as follows:

Primary – SOAS-20 with MH2 Reflex Sight, Suppressor, and Forward Grip. The 2x reflex sight is the most attractive to peer through and since most of your engagements will be middle to short range, you definitely don’t need to zoom crazy sauce. People have said that the Forward Grip is hardly helpful but with future Dev tweaks I suggest you get it and stick it on. The Suppressor for obvious reasons. Stealth… You have entered an enemy base/outpost/etc. Stealth isn’t foolproof but I have managed to duck and dodge out of fire. Adding potential confusion is always a good thing since we are not designed to win 1v1 on even footing.
Secondary – Again not a big deal. I have the same secondary for both. I prefer the semi-auto pistol over the 3 burst only because I can shoot fast regardless.

My secondary skill allotment changes are as follows:

Infiltrator: Suit Slot (Advanced Shield Capacitor OR Nanoweave Armor) – Do you want more health or faster shield regen? You are infiltrating an enemy base. Your job is to first hack the vehicle pad, any turrets and resupply/air terminals. You aren’t rambo so try NOT to get shot unless you absolutely know you can win the fight ahead of you. Yes you will die… Yes that will suck but we are not here to get hit so choose what you want.

Planetside 2 Engineer Build

Infiltrator: Grenade Slot (EMP Grenades or Frag) – Again, your choice. Eventually I want to get EMP Grenades just because I like versatility and uniqueness. As it stands, I use Frag. Killing people with big boom booms never hurts the cert hunt.

Hope this was helpful you Terran Republic awesomenaughts! As Infiltrators your job is simply to hack terminals and turrets so your squad/platoon can get a better foothold vs the enemy. The SAOS-20 burns through bullets so you choose the battles, not the other way around. Any questions? Comments? Keep it civil and helpful. If you disagree with me on anything, feel free to say so, hopefully with reasons why. If you want to bug me ingame, lemme know. I’m always happy to talk and help!

PlanetSide 2 Infiltrator Build Guide by BrB Stove Exploded

Faction: NC

Attachments: Silencer, Laser Sight
Scrop: x2 reflex


The shadow unlike the stalker dishes out a ton of damage. If you have used the stalker you will know the damage can be very lacking and in CQB you still get out gunned. The shadow is the best short/medium weapon SEMI-AUTO in the game. To give some idea, the Battle Rifle takes 5 hits to the chest to kill, the Shadow only 3. So you can see this thing packs a real punch. The x2 reflex gives it the right amount of zoom and view, and its the ONLY gun in the game id ever put the silencer on. Most guns the silencer makes useless because of the drop, but on this gun it feels just right, especially with the x2 scope. Now the Shadow already has a nice tight hip fire spread, but the laser makes it absolutely ridiculous. With this you can beat most HA at close quarters even if they pop their shield.

Secondary: Rebel
Attachments: Laser, Silencer


The rebel is a side grade. The difference being this one does more dmg per shot than the default mag. But as a Infiltrator this is an upgrade for you. You want more dmg per shot anyway. You will only pull your pistol when you want to knife/pistol, or you run out of primary ammo. This pistol fills those jobs 100%. Not only that but this baby can and will hold its own in a 1v1 confrontation. This pistol will out gun most carbines. The laser makes the tight spread that much tighter, and the silencer is a must as it does not really effect the bullet drop, and is just an all around upgrade for the pistol.

So now your a silent ninja ready to be dropped into enemy territory to kill, hack, and cause terror to your foes, but before you do that lets talk Utility:

Planetside 2 Engineer Guide

Suit slot:

If your a true sniper you always want the shield regen for infiltrator, as it will win you long range gun fights. No brainer right? But when your infiltrating the shield regen is really kind of meh. I have tried nano, and flak and I must say your better off with the grenade pouch. It will give you 2 grenades which is more useful than being able to take 1 more bullet with max nano. This will give you the extra longevity behind enemy lines. You dont know how valuable that second grenade is until you have it.

Utility Slot:


Med kit or Bouncing betties. Id suggest BB’s for infiltration. These well placed in small funneled areas can be deadly. But most importantly, when you get behind enemy lines and start capping those points, you will want to secure the room your capping with BB’s. Secure the entrances and the stairs. These will save your life and alert you to enemies. You only get 1 the first cert upgrade, so its pretty expensive cert wise to get 2, but when you have 2 BB’s, and 2 grenades you feel like you are ready for anything. A 1 man army that has the potential to kill an entire squad/platoon before he goes down.

The Recon Dart Gun:

So no one uses this and it pisses me off. Do you guys even know you have this? Have you hit the number 3 recently? Use this. Its amazing. When Im moving in a high pop enemy base alone, i shoot this in the direction im moving first. I shoot this when im trying to cap a point in the area enemies come from. This is your first alert system. If you use this correctly, you will ALWAYS SEE THE ENEMY BEFORE THEY SEE YOU. Not only that but it also helps people in large fights. A lot of times the zerg being pretty mindless will do stupid things. See that cluster of enemies over by that rock that the zerg clearly does not? Fire a dart into their position and watch how things change. The zerg may be mindless, but it knows what the **** a red dot on the mini map means…FREE CERTS! So use this to guide people to enemies. You are recon after all….

As for upgrading the gun, i strongly suggest you upgrade it to at least the 100 cert mark. It gives nice range and 1 extra dart.

Alternate Grenades:

EMP: These are kind of cool, but will leave you wondering why…? In beta they prevented guns from working/shooting as well as dropped shields. Now I hear you can still shoot, but the shields drop still. So this is kind of meh right now. Basically you throw this and you do half damage to enemy when you could throw a real one and do full damage? I know makes no sense to me either. Hopefully they bring back it from preventing guns from fireing. Then it will have a purpose again.

Decoy: At first glance these seem useless. Might as well use the EMP before this right? Actually these are pretty fun, and can cause a lot of confusion among the enemy when your trolling a base. It makes it seem like there is a squad firing where ever you throw it and it lights up the mini map to compliment this. You use them as the name suggests. When im locked down in a knock down drag out fight with 2-3+ infantry or a max, these come into play pretty nice. Its the sound that gets people.

You can also use these to lure enemies out of hiding. Why wont that 1 guy come out of spawn…throw a decoy grenade near it and watch him run to the fight that is not there.

Alternate grenades as a whole would be 1000x more useful if you could actually pick and choose which grenades you want when you get a grenade pouch. I would totally take 1 regular, 1 decoy with me at all times. Sadly until this is an option i recommend the standard grenades.

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Hacking: This should be the last thing you cert into, but go ahead and upgrade it to the 30 cert mark. It speeds things up, but if your pro you can hack at any speed . Hacking is underestimated by a lot of infiltrators. It annoys the enemy, prevents them from spawning precious tanks/sundies, but MOST of all it allows you to full fill the true infiltrators roll which is get behind lines and cause havoc.

Planetside 2 News

The infiltrator class is awesome, but sometimes you just need that extra pazaazz, that extra kick to really make the enemy wonder: “*** IS THIS GUYS PROBLEM ANYWAY!?” What Im getting to is, when you hack an infantry terminal, change classes to engineer, plant land mines, change back to infi, plant BB’s. See what im doing here? Change as a HA shoot some rockets. Change back to what ever to get what ever i need done. Hacking lets you be what ever you want, and do what ever you want.

Which brings me to my next point. A true infiltrator will have certain things from the other classes Certed. This way when he hacks he will have way more tools to play with. Things i suggest you cert:

Planetside 2 Download

Engineer: Anti tank mines, Sticky nades (OMG THESE ARE SO GOOD. They have secret powers )
Medic: C4
LA: C4
HA: Rocket upgrades, anti air and ground, Anti-Vehicle Grenades.
Max: Anti vehicle upgrades, anti infantry upgrades, Bursters. Sometimes you just need to really **** everyone off by turning into a max in the enemy base. Do this for max rage.

You will also want a good gun for those classes while you use them. I strongly recommend you get a shotgun and use that for all those builds unless you have training with carbines/Assault rifles. This will keep things standardized and you will always have the same gun and familiarity to what ever class you switch too. Piston/Sweeper/Mauler are all good and for infiltrating will really get the job done. Sweeper with extra mag is probably my favorite. 12 rounds of furry.

Hot tip: Engineer bouncing betties only cost them 100 certs. So you could hack a terminal, change to engi, drop a betty, change back to infi, but I rather prefer dropping anti tank mines around the base im camping. Enemies naturally go to the tank to flush out an infiltrator, but with this trick up your sleeve you will be ready for them. Always stay 1 step ahead through hacking.